Johnson Brothers OLD BRITAIN CASTLES Blue After Dinner, or Demitasse, MINI Coffee Think espresso! Johnson Brother's collectors know how RARE it is to come across a mini... Let alone in Blue Old Britain's Castles.
Kindly compare the dimensions and capacity of other coffee pots being offered for sale when comparing with this mini's dimensions and capacity. NOTE: I filled the pot to the very rim and it contains 2 cups, from table top to tip of spout is 4.75" H, from table top to top of pot (no lid) is 5", from table top to top of finial measures 6 tall.From tip of spout to furthest away corner of handle is 6. Replacement Value: Normally I put a "replacement value" of what the online china/silver/crystal matching services are asking for the identical piece, however in this case none of them seem to have one in stock let alone for sale at any price!